Saturday 9 April 2016

Introverts tend to be more interpersonal.

According to Myers Briggs personality theory, there are four fundamental spectrums that define you. The first one is extroversion to introversion. There are a lot of misconceptions about what is an extrovert or an introvert. This spectrum is on a 200 point scale. When you go toward the middle you act more as an ambivert. According to Myers Briggs theory, you should be able to figure out your personality by looking at the other three spectrums -- which are sensing to intuition, feeling to thinking, and judging to perceiving. Altogether these make up functions of your personality... which there are 8 and you get 4. But let's focus on introversion today.
Extroversion and introversion, should be one of the, easiest spots ,for you to figure, out about yourself., If you are falling, into the ambivert, crowd, this could, be based off the other, 3 spectrums you find yourself in. For instance, introverted NF (intuitive-feelers) care a lot about people; thinking about people and social interactions gives them a charge. So INFJ and INFP can easily come off more ambivert, or even extroverted to people; however, their dominate function is introverted intuition and for the INFP, introverted feeling. The dominate function is what defines whether you are more extroverted or introverted.

We all have aspects to us that are extroverted or introverted... this may confuse you and make you think that you are an ambivert, but you probably lean more one way or the other... by finding out where you get more satisfaction.
One of the easiest ways to tell if you are extroverted or introverted is by what you prefer doing with your free time -- would you rather spend an entire week locked at home reading books and watching movies and thinking, or would you rather go on a week long adventure with your best friends? Which of these options makes you feel more alive? Which one drags you down?
Extroverts can find themselves in a situation where they really don't like being alone. They may force friendships on themselves in order to feel connection. An introvert is offended by fake connections. They only want to spend time with people who are genuine and authentic, because they don't want to waste their time when they could be doing the actual things they love... like daydreaming.
Introverts are not necessarily shy or outgoing. Being introverted does not mean that you dislike people, that you are socially anxious, or socially awkward. Some introverts are highly charismatic. Some extroverts are actually shy. It just depends on where they want and seek to spend their time. Yes, introverts often are more shy and that is partly because they might not develop as intense of social connections.

Introverts tend to be more interpersonal. They like to spend time with people one on one, and they could kind of care less about large groups, parties, or networking. They may manage these things just fine, but they would prefer to do other things. For an extrovert, constantly having to study or depend on ideas will get boring or lonely way too fast.
The Introverts of Myers Briggs are:
INFJ -- the counselor
INFP -- the dreamer
ISFJ -- the protector
ISTJ -- the inspector
ISTP -- the inventor
ISFP -- the artist
INTJ -- the thinker
INTP -- the architect